Monday, May 14, 2012

Gentry is here!

I'm two weeks behind but the events are definitely worth going back and covering. Gentry is here! She made her appearance on the 27th of April as scheduled. The night before we spent the evening eating, swimming and in fellowship with our parents and the boys. It was a perfect evening! I was having some strong contractions throughout the evening but nothing a little swim couldn't fix.

On Friday morning, Lance and I headed to the hospital at 5:30 a.m. We got checked in, and I told the nurse I was hoping to have her by 10:30 a.m....that was my plan. It was an on-going joke throughout the morning. My contractions were strong but would not get closer then two and half minutes apart. 10:30 came and went. By about 10:50 though, she dropped and we were ready for game time. This sweet girl entered our lives at 11:13 a.m...and our world changed forever!

 She is perfect! Frown and all! 

 Dr. Burley was wonderful! 
 I am so in love with this sweet girl! 
This is one of my favorite pictures! My boys headed back to meet their sister! 

Introductions taking place

 Such wonderful big brothers

 D-Dub and Nennie

After her first bath

Taking it all in 

 Rett and Uncle Garrett

 Colt and Uncle Josh

There are hundreds of more pictures and stories but I thought this would be a starting point. The last two weeks have been filled with the nothing but blessings. Gentry has been a wonderful baby and people have been so generous with bringing food and loving on all of us! We are so blessed! 


  1. Congratulations!! I'm glad she is here!

  2. Congratulations!! She is beautiful!! We can't wait to meet her! Love you all!

  3. Congrats! She is beautiful!! :)

  4. Beautiful girl for a beautiful family!! We love you!

  5. Oh how I love her and your sweet family!! You are such an amazing momma! I love you :)
